Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Thing 6 - Creating & Editing Docs

For Thing 6, I chose to try SignNow, which we could have used on a recent vacation of ours when my husband had a contract deadline and needed his signature on it but no way to sign on his PC and submit signed contract.  Though I personally don't have a huge need for this type of app, I found it to be extremely easy to use and has a great potential for those who frequently need to print, sign, and scan documents.  I easily pulled a document from Dropbox into SignNow, inserted the signature I created, and saved it!  Very slick!

Thing 5 - Notetaking

Prior to 23 Mobile Things, I have been a fan of Evernote and have used Dragon Dictation for one of my son's school projects.

Evernote allows me to sync to all devices.  I have used it mostly for taking notes at workshops or during webinars and also for keeping track of my passwords.

Dragon Dictation has saved us a lot of pulled out hair with school projects.  One specific project was one of my children having a research report that he had completed a rough draft by hand in class and was to keyboard it at home.  We saved a lot of time by having him transcribe it into Dragon Dictation and editing it afterwards.  This would be especially useful modification idea for students with special needs.

Remember the Milk was the app I chose to "try out."
I'm always making lists of things to do on paper so this has been a nice fit for my needs.  I like how the app is organized and that you can mark tasks complete or not.  I'm hoping for successful syncing between mobile devices!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thing 4 - Keeping Up

Zite has been on my iPad for some time now and I have enjoyed it's features and ease of use.  I created a Flipboard account and added several news topics.  I'll be spending more time exploring Flipboard and determining if it meets my needs more than Zite.  Adding more specific content is something I would like to be able to do but appears to be limited.